Monday, December 30, 2019

The Truth in Art Vincent Van Goghs Work of Art Essay

Throughout his argument against aesthetics, Heidegger strongly states he believes in the true â€Å"work of art† and believes that this aesthetic approach goes against this. One artist that Heidegger particularly discusses is Vincent Van Gogh. He uses works of art by Van Gogh in order to give more power to his argument. Through works of art such as Van Gogh’s A Pair of Shoes, Heidegger makes his a distinction between artwork and things. In order to truly analyze the culture of another, he explains how it is essential for the viewer to question what is being depicted in the work and what the purpose may be. Heidegger describes art as a whole through the philosophies of existence and truth. To truly interpret Heidegger’s critic of aesthetics,†¦show more content†¦Through this quote, Heidegger is stating that influential works of art have a great role in instituting principles in a way that is beneficial to the community around it as it guides their underst anding and their beliefs of the world around them. Because Heidegger does not agree with the creations of modern times, he does not agree with the term aesthetics. He mentions how Kant used the term aesthetics in Critique of Judgment. Heidegger explains how the Greeks first generated the word. Aesthetics deals with the senses and does not deal with the mind and knowledge. It is the opposite of what a truth would be. Heidegger explains how this is an issue as it is not a way to search for the truth in something. Our minds, unlike our senses, search to understand and find truth. As he continues his argument against aesthetics, Heidegger brings up Hegels Vorlesungen fiber die Astheti. Art no longer counts for us as the highest manner in which truth obtains existence for itself†¦in all these relationships art is and remains for us, on the side of its highest vocation, something past† (78). He wants to believe that someday the distinctive truth manifest in art could return. Heidegger hopes that what has been lost in today’s society will return in a powerful way that could impact history once more. Although he agrees with most of what Hegel has said, Heidegger does disagree with Hegel on a main aspect. Heidegger believes that a perfect work of art could comeShow MoreRelated Vincent Van Gogh Essay1593 Words   |  7 Pages Most casual art lovers see Van Gogh as a troubled but successful artist. This is far from the actual truth of his chaotic life which was filled with failure in every occupational pursuit he attempted including painting, and was marked by episodes of depression, violence, and abnormal behavior. 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