Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Effects Of Misinformation And Its Effects On Memory...

Previous research has shown that people often rely on invalidated information (de Vega, Urrutia, Riffo, 2007). Ecker, Lewandowsky and Tang (2010) explained that this is due to people holding preference to incorrect information over incomplete information. Rapp and Kendeou (2007) expanded on this, explaining how the continued influence of misinformation is lessened where a causal alternative is provided i.e. another explanation is given. Ecker et al. goes on to explain the ways in which emotion can affect memory and memory updating, providing evidence for claims of both improved and impaired memory due to emotionality. As a result of the prior research Ecker et al. (2010) aimed to â€Å"investigate the influence of initial misinformation in moderately negative emotive material† and wanted to see whether emotionality had an effect on people’s ability to discount misinformation. The researchers thus produced three experiments in order to test these ideas. All of the experiments involved the presentation of one of two fictitious plane crash reports. The high emotionality report held themes of intentional violence (a terrorist attack) with the low emotionality report holding themes of unintentional violence (bad weather). Two of the experimental conditions consisted solely of the initial information, with no retraction (high or low emotionality with no-retraction). In another two of the six experimental conditions this initial information was retracted with no additionalShow MoreRelatedSuggestibility and Human Memory Essay616 Words   |  3 PagesSuggestibility in human memory is considered as the phenomenon called the misinformation effect. The misinformation effect occurs when the misleading information influence a person’s memory of the witnessed event and change how that person describes that event later. Moreover, the misleading information in this effect is referred to as misleading postevent information (MPI) (Goldstein, 2008). 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