Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Trial And Prove Newton s Third Law - 1396 Words

OBJECTIVE The objective of this experiment was to trial and prove Newton’s Third Law. Newton’s Third Law states for every action there is a reaction equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. In this experiment, by analyzing the difference of magnitudes of forces detected by the force sensors. This experiment consists three parts, each with different situations. Using the graphs, the forces were analyzed and used to determine whether the Newton’s Third law is valid. THEORY Newton’s Third law is one of the most important laws in science that was first compiled by Isaac Newton. Along with Newton’s Third Law, there are three laws of motion. Newton’s Third Law states for every action there is a reaction equal in†¦show more content†¦Using the tools on logger pro, the force sensors were calibrated. A 20-cm string was attached to the hooks connected to the end of each sensor. After being attached, logger pro started collecting the data and the two sensors were pulled apart by one person. Logger Pro automatically provided a graph with the data provided with the sensors. This part was repeated with an elastic band that was attached to the two ends of the sensors. The graphs provided were saved and was used to analyze the force pairs. Part II Part 2 of this experiment was like the first part of the section. However instead of holding both sensors, one force sensor was attached to the lab bench. Part 1 of the experiment was repeated and one sensor was moved manually away from the other sensor. Part III The steps of the last part of the experiment was repeated from Part 1, however, instead of the elastic band and string a rigid rod was used to connect the force sensors together. Also, instead of pulling the sensors apart, the two forces were mutually pushed. The graphs were recorded to compare the force pairs when pulled and pushed. OBSERVATION AND RESULTS Graph #1: Two individuals are pulling an elastic band from each end with the Force Sensors for 10 sec. Figure1. Two Dual-Range Force Sensors where used by two individuals each of whom which was holding one sensor. An elastic band was hooked to the end of each sensor and the Vernier Force interface software was started asShow MoreRelatedA Blessing Of Disguise : Mistake As Defined By Merriam Websters Dictionary Is The Act Of Understanding1375 Words   |  6 PagesMeceda, Centenarro Jose S. 11429674 A Blessing in Disguise Mistake as defined in Merriam Websters dictionary is the act of understanding (someone or something) incorrectly, to make a wrong judgement about (something), or to identify (someone or something) incorrectly. Personally, a mistake is something that has happened without the full knowledge of the doer, or something that resulted in consequence. NoRead MoreRelationship Between Mass And Acceleration1419 Words   |  6 Pagesapply forces, the relationship between mass and acceleration has been attractive for long. 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