Monday, October 21, 2019

Polonius is an interesting Essays

Polonius is an interesting Essays Polonius is an interesting Paper Polonius is an interesting Paper Essay Topic: Interesting The characters play important roles in Shakespeares Hamlet. Each character is unique in his of her contribution to the entire play. Without certain characters, the play would not have the same effect. Polonius is an interesting and complicated character who plays an important part in Hamlet. Although he is not one of the main characters, Polonius serves as the nosy chief counselor to King Claudius. Poloniuss destructive personality and meddling behavior leads to his fatal end. Poloniuss first extended speaking scene is in Act I, Scene 3. In this scene, Laertes is speaking to his sister Ophelia about Hamlets attention towards her. He warns her to protect her virtues. Polonius arrives and reminds his son that he should be on his way to Paris. Right after Laertes leaves, Polonius turns to his daughter and asks her what they were discussing before he entered the room. Although it may be common for a father to be concern with his daughters life, Polonius did not act concerned- just ignorant and criticizing. The lack of Poloniuss concern can be read in his responses to Ophelia. Right after she reveals that they were talking about Hamlet, Polonius criticized her. When Ophelia explains to her father that Laertes was concerned about Hamlets late made many tenders (1. 3. 108), Polonius just scoffs at the idea of Hamlet being attentive towards her. His words are blunt and unkind. He calls Ophelia a woodcock (1. 3. 124), which is a gullible bird. Polonius does not consider his daughters feelings for Hamlet. He continues to warn her to conduct herself well so she does not make him appear a fool. He forbids her from seeing Hamlet for the wrong, selfish reasons. In this scene, Poloniuss character displays a selfish nature where he only cares about his image. His rudeness to his daughter shows that he does not care about her. Instead, he is suspicious that she might ruin his reputation and that Hamlet has the worst intentions for Ophelia. Polonius is selfish, suspicious, and uncaring. The suspicious trait later plays a part in Claudiuss death when he is trying to find out the reason behind Hamlets insanity. Polonius is meddling in his sons life in Act II, Scene 1. Before Laertes departs to Paris, Polonius gave him some last words of advice. Polonius reminds him thou canst not be false to any man (1. 3. 83) and to thine own self be true (1.3. 84). Polonius is asking his son to be honorable and virtuous. Polonius is hypocritical for giving his son this advice because he is not trusting of his own son. After his son leaves, he sends Reynaldo to follow Laertes to Paris to find out how he is conducting himself. Polonius does not trust his son and does the dishonorable thing of sending a spy. Why would Polonius give Laertes fatherly advice and still not trust his son? This shows another weakness of Polonius. He cannot learn to trust others. He is a hypocrite for asking his son to be honorable when he cannot listen to his own advice. Polonius is proven not to be an honorable man and this ironically is how he was killed. Polonius did the unthinkable act of spying and eavesdropping on a private conversation and is killed. If Polonius had listen to his own advice to his son, Polonius would have never mettle in Hamlets life and continually spy on him. Poloniuss job is to be King Claudiuss chief counselor. Part of the job description is to help Claudius sort out information and make wise decisions. But there are moments when it seems as though Polonius wants to make the final word, as oppose to letting Claudius make the final decision. This shows that Polonius likes to meddle in other peoples business, including his own kings life. Polonius does not let other people live their lives without his words. Being nosy is the reason why Polonius got involved with Hamlets sanity issue and leads Polonius to his death later in the play. In Act II, Scene 2, Polonius suggests a reason for Hamlets sudden lunacy. He believes the reason is that Ophelia refuses to see Hamlet and that alone has driven Hamlet into madness. Polonius devises a plan where he will let Ophelia talk to Hamlet. During their encounter, Polonius and Claudius will observe the situation from a hidden area. From this encounter, Polonius ensures Claudius that they will find the true reason for Hamlets madness. Poloniuss insensitivity towards Ophelias situation is shown when he uses her for his personal plans. He does not take her feelings into consideration and uses her as a prop to impress Claudius. But Poloniuss plan did not please Claudius. After watching the couple interacts, Claudius is now convinced that love is not the cause of Hamlets craziness. Dissatisfied that the King did not agree with his theory, Polonius urges one last attempt to find out Hamlets secret. Polonius is desperate to convince the King that his theory is right. Polonius wants to please Claudius, but he also does not want to be wrong. As a counselor, he should be obedient to the King. Instead, he tries to control Claudius by ignoring Claudiuss theory and convinces him to give one last attempt to find the whole truth. Little did he know his last meddling in Hamlets life would be a fatal one. Poloniuss life ends tragically. While hiding behind the arras and eavesdropping on Hamlet and Queen Gertrude, Polonius is convinced the truth would be revealed. Polonius is meddling in Hamlets life by getting involved in a situation that has nothing to do with him. During Hamlets and Gertrudes conversation, she is frightened by Hamlet which prompts Polonius to echo a cry out for help. Thinking Polonius was the king, Hamlet thrusts his rapier into the arras and kills him, whom Hamlet describes as a fool (3. 4. 38). Even Hamlet recognizes that Poloniuss death is avoidable if only he had stayed out of everyones personal business. Poloniuss sudden death is caused by his nosy, meddling ways. He is out to seek the truth about Hamlet and, ironically, is killed by Hamlet. If Polonius stopped meddling in Hamlets life in Act II, Scene 1, he would still be alive to be by the Kings side. Instead, he forces his way into finding secrets that do not involves him and ends up dead. Poloniuss destructive and prying personality is what kills him. Polonius plays an important role in Shakespeares play Hamlet. He meddles in other characters lives. He also sticks his nose into others situations. He is a selfish, suspicious, dishonorable, and nosy. These qualities are destructive and that is why his life ended so tragically. Poloniuss early death foreshadows the other characters deaths later in the play.

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